Tuesday, September 2, 2014

When Modi completes 100 days

When the Modi govt completes 100 days, I have 10 things to say. I am happy that: 1. The govt started on a positive note in its relations with the neighbours. It also took a no-nonsense approach with Pakistan. I liked it very much when it called off the secy-level talks. With this, that itching sensation of Pak will stop recur. 2. The govt had to beat a hasty retreat after raking up Art 370. Kudos the media, the secular mind of the nation. 3. The budget was not as disastrous as it was feared. 4. Forgotten stuff like clean-village, digital connectivity and financial inclusion have reappeared on the national agenda. 5. There is some sense of urgency among the bureaucrats. I am sad that: 1. There is an attempt to rewrite history and tinker with the educational system. Also, the attempts to bring in long forgotten brahminical symbols back. These will have to be resisted. 2. There are efforts to thrust a false sense of nationalism. Renewed focus on Hindi will be disastrous, if taken too far. 3. Modiji keeps to himself all powers. And his channels of communication are officials and a pliant party. Amit Shah as BJP president doesn't help the party, Modi or the nation in the long run. There is no check and balance. A slip to autocracy is easy. And possible. 4. Honestly, I don’t see the govt moving resolutely in any direction on the economic front, despite the whole media saying otherwise. I haven’t seen big projects coming, nor have reason to believe that they are underway. Pious intentions don’t pay. 5. FDI in arms. It has a lot of immediate and verifiable benefits but in the long run, it is likely to start dictating State policy. That will be disastrous.

1 comment:

K J Jacob said...
